Second Month on the Happiness Project

So I had decided last month to do a happiness project. August was to focus on quitting smoking, which I did. I am so proud of myself. This was the first time i had really tried with all my heart and sould to quit and i was successful. So now it is time for September which is organization.

I have all these ideas I want to implement. It is hard without very many organizational skills. My apt would be the poster apt for Flylady’s Chaos (Cant have anyone over syndrome). I am going to start with Flylady’s crisis cleaning. Then I will also start on her baby steps. I have already showered and got dressed to shoes for today!

For other things like writing assignments and other life things I am going to use a mixture of Getting Things Done and Pomodoros.

I am hoping that with a clean peaceful apt and super sharp organizational skills that I can take my writing and other projects to a new level.

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