I have followed Flylady for a few months now. When I saw that she had a book out I went to the Library and got it. The basic information can be found on her website but she has such a fresh and funny voice that you wont mind reading the book too.
I am the world messiest person. I had read other organizational books but none of them stuck. Flylady is all about baby steps. You don’t tackele all of your problems at once but rather you take baby steps to build routines that will get to the root of your problems. You start with shining your sink and build up from there.
What makes it even more refreshing is that Flylady herself has been where millions are now. She writes with sympathy and encouragement.You never feel that she is talking down to you but rather building you up to where you need to be.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has trouble keep a house decently clean. This book will guide you and it it is easy to follow.