Bookish resolutions of 2022


    Read 50 overdue ARC’s

I have way more than that, but I am trying to be realistic. I admit I have been bad about all the books I said I would read. Bit this year, I did not even read all that much. Truth be told, after I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, I went on a six-month Bridgerton Binge…My friends like to joke that I probably made Simon super-rich, what with me watching over and over. I also styled any mention of Simon on Bridgerton on Youtube. And now I am super behind on everything blog-related.

Become more involved with the Bookish Community

I never was a huge part, I admit, but I did not make much of an effort this last year. This year I will put in 100percent effort. I also love to, but I will try to buy stuff on zesty from people In the bookish community first. I have a whole list saved on Esty of things I want to buy.

Read more non-western authors

When I looked back at my reading for 2021, I was dismayed to find that the number of books was low, but all were white authors. I used this spreadsheet (seriously; it is fantastic; I am in my 4th year of using it.

Now that I know that I tend to sway to cis white authors, I will actively look out for former diversity in the coming year.

Not to be afraid of DNFing a book

This is a hard least for me… I tend to have the optimistic mindset that the next page will make it better. It hardly ever does tho..and with so many good books out there, I need to learn when to call it and move on vs. will it pay off in the next chapter.

Above all, be consistent with my efforts.

I did not have any new “goals” about anything except for reading, and that is only because I was horrible in my reading efforts in 2021. I would do everything erratically

All my other goals, such as working out, losing weight, etc., are the same as last year. I finally found a “program” that I invented myself… Well, to be frank t is a Hodge dodge of different programs… I took what worked for me from each, and it is working.

I have no problem writing blog posts, but I am not consistent like I used to be, and it showed in my blog stats. That is ok…. I know how two get traction again, and I will.


  1. Good luck! Engaging with the community is something I struggle with. I try to blog hop every day and get on Twitter a few times a week, but it often falls to the bottom of the priority list. Then I feel bad for ignoring people.

    1. hillary roberts says:

      Well seeing as I am very late in responding I did not do a good job this past week. LOL but yeah it is s struggle.

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