The Best Moments of 2021

It would be easy to pass off 2022 as a dumpster fire, but I had started my Gratitude practice, and I told myself if I looked super hard, I bet I could find something good that happened last year, and I did! Below are some reasons why 2022 is not 100 percent a dumpster fire.

 Best moments of 2021

It would be easy to pass off 2022 as a dumpster fire, but I had started my Gratitude practice, and I told myself if I looked super hard, I bet I could find something good that happened last year, and I did! Below are some reasons why 2022 is not 100 percent a dumpster fire.

Getting diagnosed after four years

If you had followed me way back, you would know that my pain or, at that time, my knees were feeling excruciating. I HAD been working out a 2 hours in the gym a lot. Everyone thought that the pain was from not taking a rest day. And I was doing BBG, and then I would borrow  Jasinda Wilder’s phrase some heavy-duty wogging, which is basically walking and jogging as fast as you can. I was doing well also. So a typical day at the gym would be a BBG workout, then do the couch to 5k on the treadmill. My anxiety went away, and I was happier, etc. And I rarely get sick, so there I was pushing myself to the absolute edge, and then one knees hurt. And it was all downhill from there. I kept getting bounced from Dr to Dr. Finally, we referred to a rheumatologist, lo and beguiled. I had a ton of inflammation, and after I gave up gluten, dairy, and all that is good in American cruise, I started feeling better and better.

Making major fitness milestones

Last year was the first year that I ever made gains in strength training. I use the Tone it Up program, and it is magic. Trie that I had difficulties making my weight go DOWN, my strength gains are enormous… I went from 3 pounds dumbbells to 10 pounds dumbbells in one year. I had always thought that the bitch in the Forrest firm quote was, well..bullshit. Now my eyes are open, and I get a shot of confidence after a brutal (for me) workout. . That feeling of confidence translated to pushing me beyond my comfort zone.

Finally, being able to concentrate and read

I never had that issue when I was in school…Back then, I could read for hours and hours. Then a few years after I graduated, I started having that problem. It took five different sirs who got into the heart of the matter to figure out I was almost always at the borderline of hypo mana and full-blown mania. The Dr changed all my meds to ones that work, and lo and behold, I can read more than five pages at a time now.

My Central Appalachian Library finally got Hoopla

Ever since I moved back to the hills of Eastern Kentucky, I had wished and hoped that my library would have Hoopla like Cleveland.. but for three years, it was just me being annoying and me not taking No for an answer. Until one day, I opened my library home page and ta-da WE HAD HOOPLA!!!



  1. Congrats on your accomplishments! I’m the same way with reading. When I was a teenager, I could read an entire book in one sitting. Now that never happens. I can’t concentrate on one thing for that long.

    1. hillary roberts says:

      I know the struggle to keep my brain engaged these days.. I nlame social media.

    2. I know!!! I seriously miss the days I could read a book in one sitting. I remember when Harry Potter books were first out I read most of the books in one sitting.. I say most because one year I was forced to go on a family camping trip and interact.

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