Sunday Post March 8 2018


I will be linking this post to Sunday Post and What I am Reading

All I have to do is get through April and half of May and then it will be springtime here in Cleveland. I am soo ready for it to be warm so I can read outside and go swimming and stuff. I want to be able to walk to the gym without freax=zing half to death to get there. One more month. I can do it

I have finally got everything that the cat is running out of my apartment. Including my clothes. To be fair to the cat these were clothes that  I have had for years, and they were somewhat ratty, AND they were on the floor. In the  Unfuck you Habitat book it was described as a “floordrobe”. And yep that is excakly what it was. I have been hanging on to them cause I couldn’t bear to face the fact that I had allowed myself to get to 320 pounds and I had clothes that fit me bt damn if I was gonna get MORE clothes in that size. Well, the cat took care of that pisssed all over them, and they are now in the trash. The problem now is that I am losing a Lot of weight. I have a post coming up on that also, but just for now I will say that I am dropping a size every two or three months and that can get expensive. I started thinking, and I had tried GyennieBee before and liked them a lot. The clothes for the super fat people like I was was some what limited, but I am a 16 or18 now. I WAS a 24 cough so yeah. I thought that I would try the again since I checked and they have a LOT of clothes in my new size. Plus two bloggers that I admire Modern Mrs. Darcy, and Everyday Reading had good things to say about Third Up. Thier prices are great if you are only gonna be wearing that size for a couple of months.

In books I read Internet Famous This was technically an ARC, but I am now getting around to it.

I listened to Cake: A Love Story on audio through Audible Romance Package. I can’t believe that I waited so long to get a sub to the romance package. I had it in my head that I did not like romance. I got the romance package to see and to try I out and guess what? I love it.


I also listened to a crap ton of Podcasts which explains my dismal book count. It is like there are so many podcasts and so many books and I am just like auggghhhhh. I have to listen to them on 0.8 setting cause any faster, and it starts to sound all jumbled, so that is part of it.

Oh, funny story I had no idea that Podcasts had show notes where they list the books that they talk about and I was wondering how people remember all the books they hear about and know I know! They look at the show notes!

For next week I want to read:

Dreamland– This is a book from the library, and when I first saw that my turn had come up I thought it was a book on sleep. If you know me, you would see that I do not sleep much and I am always reading to see any new thing I have not tried yet. I read the summary, and nope it is on the OPIATE crisis. I remembered that I got it to try and make sense of why my cousin got in so deep wth opiate. I mean she was in in a car accident, and they gave her painkillers and now. Well, I am sure u can guess. The Ironic thing is that I too was given a steady diet of tynol three because I used to have these massive ear infections caused by my wearing my hearing aid. I never tried anything illegal. Wait I smoked some weed a few times, but that was it. I am hoping this book can shed some light on he epidemic for me.

White Trash– I am not sure how to put this, but I was from the exact place and in the exact income bracket growing up that was called White Trash. Yes, yours indeed was White Trash. I have since moved up a couple of tax brackets after getting a couple of BA degrees, but I will never forget the judey look on people faces when I was growing up and the talking behind my back and so forth. The tables have turned my friend, and now I refuse to support anyone that did that to me when they try and hit me up to fund a gofundme for their cancer treatments and such.  Am a bitter middle-class bitch. This book examines the economic and cultural stuff of the people that are umm white trash. Should be interesting.

Locke and Key-this are a comic I am reading from ComiXology and I am halfway through, and I have no idea what the author is attempting to convey here.

On Audio

The theory of Second Best– OMG I loved Cake so much that I am gonna go ahead with the second book in the series.





  1. Your books sound good! I hope you enjoy them and have a great week 🙂

    1. Hillary says:

      Thank You!!! You have a great week as well!

  2. Cake sounds like a good read and something I would enjoy. I can understand how you feel about weight and having to buy new clothes. Though I’m still on the heavier side of the spectrum and can’t see how I let myself get to this point but I’m working on it. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Hillary says:

      it took the dr telling me that I was 320 pounds before I hit rock bottom After I consoled myself with a Dairy Queen blizzard and I stopped crying I marched to planet Fitness and got me a membership. I had ups and downs but today I can finally say that I am truly on the way to good health.

  3. Buying clothes is hard and depressing for me. I’m glad I work from home because I hate trying on fancy clothes. I like my t-shirts and sweats. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your books!

    1. Hillary says:

      I know right?!? I refuse to spend a lot on clothes that will be too big for me in just a few months time. I also work from home and i love working in my PJ’s lol

  4. I read the first volume of Locke and Key way back when. I remember liking it okay, but then I never read any more? I’m blaming the graphic novel format. It isn’t graphic novels, it’s me, I find the full color ones very distracting.

    1. i will admit it took me a while to warm up to them but now i love them!

  5. Sarah Sammis says:

    I read the first three or four volumes of Locke & Key in print from the library but I’ve lost interested in the series. Come see what I’m reading

    1. i read vl one and i cant even tel what the story is lol

  6. It’s funny how I used to enjoy buying clothes and now I loathe it. It just doesn’t appeal to me anymore.

    Hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. you have agreat week also!

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