This has been an eventful week, to say the least. I made it back from Ohio O.K then around last Wednesday I started noticing bees in my room here at my parent’s house. I was like eekkkk O.K Hillary toughen up, living in big northern cities has made u soft. You are not even allegoric!. Then on Friday night, there was a significant increase in the number of bees and after seeing FOUR! Flying around I got the hell out of there and told my parents the local homeless shelter had better accommodations than they did. Mom went to investigate, and we found out there was a hole in the ceiling of the closet alive with the biggest most badged bees I have seen in my life. I almost ran to get on greyhound all the way back to Cleveland where it is never warm enough long enough to fill big gaping holes. I promptly moved my “Desk” into the guest bedroom, and mo is calming that she wakes on eradicating the bees so I can have my room back.
Plus my insomnia has been a bitch. If I go three nights without sleeping well..then I turn into a bitch. It is best for everyone if I just stay at home and read or if I am REALLY too tired to read to listen to an audiobook. And I have really racked up the audiobooks this past week.
I also managed to find an excellent gym! That is a significant win as people kept telling me that “we don’t have no gym nowhere” until I saw what looked liked it may be a Gym marched myself right in and lo and behold it was a Gym! I paid for a year at a time and am looking forward to starting my workouts again. That in itself should put me in a better mood if nothing else.
I did not mention it on here before, but in the past few months I had been throwing up EVERYTHING I ate. Mom made me go to the dr and to be sure it is not Celiac or some unfortunate condition the Dr has to go up your ass and look at your intestines. I was like nope. We eventually came to a tentative agreement. I will give my gluten-free vegan meals a try and if there are NO signs of internal bleeding and I am no longer throwing up then the DR won’t press the issue of light up my ass right now. Well, it has been two weeks and guesses how many times I have thrown up or any other list of symptoms that I am not gonna gross you out with. I just had to tempt fate and yep got sick. This means for the foreseeable future any food that looks and taste good I can’t have. However, instead of eating my feelings I am working on finding alternative coping skills one of which is working out.
Coal may be dead but this area is bouncing back, and people are starting to thrive once again. I mean not ONLY is their real food store but there is even a HEALTH food store! I was like yassssssss!!! Still no bookstores or anything of that sort but the area is leaps and bounds ahead of what it was a few short years ago economically. #progress
Plans for this week is to start coming up with ideas for a resource library on this blog. If there are any topics, you would like me to see covered let me know! Reading, of course, checking out my new Gym and going through clothes that are now too big for me.
Oh no, I’m sorry about all the struggles you’ve been having. But oh my gosh, I’d be afraid of the bees too! I hope everything start getting better for you soon.
This line made me literally LOL: I got the hell out of there and told my parents the local homeless shelter had better accommodations than they did.
I would definitely have been on the next bus. I’m terrified of any and all bugs.
This line made me literally LOL: I got the hell out of there and told my parents the local homeless shelter had better accommodations than they did.
I would definitely have been on the next bus. I’m terrified of any and all bugs.
Oh no, I’m sorry about all the struggles you’ve been having. But oh my gosh, I’d be afraid of the bees too! I hope everything start getting better for you soon.