Sunday Salon


I have been thinking about my reading and blogging goals for this coming year. I know I said before that I wanted to read 200 books but I have given thought as to which kind of books. I want to branch out from my usual literary fiction. After reading some young adult blogs I have decided this is a genre that I want to explore. Plus I like sci-fi and fantasy and other kinds of books. I think it is good to read a wide verity of genres to keep up with what the book world as a whole has to offer. The one thing I want to read at the moment is horror. I am not sure where to start. Any one have any books they would like to recommend.?

I also want to read classics this year. I have not read any since high school because I remember being forced to read them and to be honest my reading skills really improved in college and in high school I felt that they was over my head. So now that it has been years I want to see if I can enjoy them now that I don’t have a teacher saying “well HEARING people read this and understand it”. Yeah talk about killing the reading sprit.

For blogging goals I want to post every day if I can. I need to get back in the writing groove and I think this would be a good way to do it. I love to write but I fall out of the habit and it is hard to get back in the groove once that happens.

So these are my goals for this year. What are your goals?

Hope everyone has a happy Sunday!

1 Comment

  1. I also think it’s good to expand our reading genres….I did that last year with the eclectic reading challenge. Now that I’ve done that, I will have broader reading, but I’ll also eliminate those genres that don’t work for me, like horror, urban fantasy, and Sci-Fi.

    I do occasionally pick up a YA book, now and then. I still prefer literary fiction, mysteries, and women’s fiction.;

    Hope you find a horror book you love. Check out Betty Dravis, who has co-authored a short story horror collection.

    Here’s her Amazon Author’s Page:


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