Sunday Salon 7-13-2014


I have spent the week doing some heavy-duty cleaning of my apartment. I feel that if I get de-cluttered and spotless so that I can really decorate then maybe I will feel more inspired. I have even made a Pintrest board for inspiration. I do feel better now that it is almost spotless. I will have to start following Flylady to keep it that way.

I had a good reading week. I read 3 books last week. I am finally starting to get into a routine  that works for me. I have found myself being insanely productive with the things that I want to accomplish.

I went on a requesting spree on NetGally and got approved for 37 books. I will have to make a schedule to make sure i get them all read and reviewed in time. Do any of you have any tips on how to do this?

I have come up with a couple of new features on the blog. One is talking about how books impact me in real life and the other is things that I have found on the internet that I love and want to share.  The latter will be on Sat and The former will be on various days.



  1. So what were the three books you read? Anything good?

  2. You did great reading three books this week. My only tip when it comes to NetGalley is to try not to forget about the books. It’s so easy for me to forget books when they’re tucked away on a ereader and not physically on my shelves.

    1. admin says:

      I have the same problem. I am going to put a reminder into my to do list to check every so often. Hopefully I wont forget any more lol

  3. Oh my goodness, 37 books approved at once?! Happy reading!! hahaha 😉 I have a post that might help you with organization (I feel a little spammy, but you asked for tips so hopefully you’ll find this helpful):

    1. admin says:

      Thank You for the link!! I will do it for this weekend Bloggiesta. It looks like just the thing to keep me on track.

  4. I agree with Vasilly! It’s very easy to forget about the books you’ve been approved for because we don’t see them on a shelf or on our desk.

  5. Wow 37 books..eep. yep you need a schedule. Usually when I get arcs, I add them to my Google calendar on their release date. Then I move them around to fill in the month.

    1. admin says:

      That is a good idea!!I will try this and a spreadsheet. I Hope that helps me keep on top of things.

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