Book Review: City of the Sun by Juliana Maio

My Review: I love all things African and I have been trying out historical fiction  so when I saw this book on Netgalley I requested it. I admit I havent really read about Africa during the holocaust so this book was a good one to fill in the gaps. It is rooted in solid history but it also has a really good story to tell.

I did not realize that there were Jews living in Egypt at the time. That was interesting to read about. I loved the spy thriller like setting that this book had. There were a couple of scenes where I was like how could a person LIVE through that?!?!

The basic plot is that two people and countries want this Jewish man who knows how to make an atomic bomb. Two spies, one for the American CIA and one for the Nazi’s are trying to capture this man. The book goes on to explain how they each go about it and different things that happen. The book felt like an old war-time movie being played. The author does a superb job of laying out the setting and you can actually FEEL the hot breeze that wafts through the Egyptian streets. I read some reviews that some people did not like the love scene but I thought it was sweet and well-played out. I also like the fact that there is action that happens throughout the book so it does not feel like the story drags on but rather the plot keeps moving forward. There is a plot twist at the end of the book that I did not see coming. At first I was like WHY DIDN’T YOU WANT TO COME TO AMERICA?! The more I thought about it the more the ending made sense.  Overall I loved this book and hope that the author comes out with more.


I had the pleasure of interviewing Juliana Maio about this book. Below is the interview.  I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did!

What is your writing routine like?

 I like writing in the morning best when everything is quiet around me. I hear my mind better then and try to write new material. Later when I’m tired I go over revisions.

Who are your literary heroes?

I don’t really have any literary heroes. I read mostly non-fiction, although I hope to start reading more fiction.

How do you get your inspiration for your books?

CITY OF THE SUN came out of my desire to learn about the Jews of Egypt and tell the world about them. It’s very sad to me that this so colorful and warm community has been completely extinguished and can never be duplicated again.

What book has made a huge impact on your life? Why?

I don’t know if there is one single book that made a huge impact on me. As an adolescent growing up in France the novels of Jean-Paul Sartre and the alienation that his characters were feeling had a profound impact on me. Also, the tragic, impossible love that many 19th century romantic writers wrote about had a big impact.

What was your favorite character to write in City of The Sun? Why?

I love the character of Dorothy. Of all the characters in the book she is completely fictional. I just like that she was a no -nonsense, speak her mind character. She was away of her time as a strong, independent woman.

What are you working on next?

I’m starting to do research for a possible sequel to CITY OFTHE SUN that would take place in 1956.  That year the Suez Canal Crisis changed forever the situation for the Jews in Egypt and for all the other minorities living there. In America Ray Charles changed R&B forever and paved the way for Bob Dylan.

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