Sunday Salon October 11 2015

The Sunday Salon

I am sitting here in amazement. I finally splurged on a cleaning lady for my apartment, and I think that is the best money I have spent this year. I can’t believe that I waited so long to get one. I now have her come every Saturday. It takes me 5 hours to clean this damn apartment but it only took her two and a  half. I am never going without a cleaning lady again.

Anyway on to the bookish stuff. I did not read much last week, as I got slammed with client work. I will have some nice paychecks coming in. I am finally in a groove to where I feel like I can keep up with hobbies and work. That is a nice feeling to have. I don’t want to get burned out.

I started watching Girls on Amazon Prime. I love that show. It reminds me of Sex and the City if the Sex and the City cast was straight out of college. I am not very far in but from what I have seen I really like it. I am also doing a rewatch of FireFly. I have watched Firefly so often that I have whole episodes memorized.  I am not sure if that is good or bad.

Oh, I almost forgot! I was working on this here blog, and I wanted to pin my reviews to Pinterest but the idea of going one by one left me wanting to forget the whole thing then I discovered Tailwind. It is a game changer. I got three weeks worth of pins scheduled in an hour. So if you are pinning a lot of stuff, I would recommend this app.

I really need to update my review archives. I will do that this week. I need just to get it done and forget it. I am writing this on Saturday afternoon, so I am not sure what I will be doing or reading tomorrow. My mastermind group has some books they recommended to me, but I want to throw in some spooky reads too now that the weather is really starting to feel fall like. The leaves haven’t turned yet, but a couple more weeks and they will be really pretty.


  1. readerbuzz says:

    I will check out Tailwind. Thanks for sharing this app.

    1. Hillary says:

      you are welcome! It has been a lifesaver for me!

  2. I haven’t heard of Tailwind yet, but I’ll have to check it out too.

    The leaves here are almost done with changing and we had rain on Friday that knocked most of them off. In a week or two, they’ll probably be gone.

    1. Hillary says:

      You must check out tailwind. I have pins scheduled at optimum times all the way to mid-November! I can’t believe I did not know about it before.

  3. I LOVE Firefly! But I only watch it about once a year.

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