The Sunday Salon and Fall 2012 Read-a-thon Wrap Up

Yesterday I participated in the fall readathon. I LOVE readathons! I was worried that i would not be able to concentrate but my dr increased my ADHD meds and i was able to read for 12 hours straight! It was my new record. After 12 hours my eyes felt like they were going to fall out of my head. I decided to rest them and next thing I know it was 6 am in the morning. OOOPS! I finished three books

Seasonal Affective Disorder for Dummies-This was a book on how to cope with the winter blues. I will defiantly be trying some of the tips

Deaf Our Way- This was an old version of the book but it talks about things from a Deaf perspective

Oil on Water- This was written by a Nigerian and is one of the best that I have read this year! It tells the story of the oil business in Nigeria from all different sorts of perspectives.

I enjoyed all of the books and reviews will be coming soon!

I had a new idea. I have tried to read a book a day before but various things kept cropping up. After being able to read for 12 hours straight I decided to give it a go. First this week I will focus on Getting my apt FlyLady clean then I will be free to fully relax and read a book a day. I hope this time it goes as planned.

1 Comment

  1. Glad you had a good readathon Hillary–even if resting your eyes lasted a little longer than you planned. The book about seasonal blues sounds like an interesting. I go through periods like that (situational depression) and it would be great to be better equipped to handle them before things get too deep, you know?

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