Things I did to Invest in my Blog (book blog edition)

Do you have a book blog and you want to know what app you should spend money on? Click through to find out!

 Ultimate Book Blogger

This is ultimately a book blog. There has been a sad lack of actual reviews recently, but it still is a book blog at its heart. The UBB plugin puts in all of the book information, so you don’t have to spend three hours looking up info and formatting it. I mean we have all seen those blogs where they have noooo link to Amazon or Goodreads, and I don’t know about you, but that just pisses me off. I hate having to highlight a book name and then right clicking on search Goodreads. Just give me a link Damn it!


 a domain name

This is important as a blog name with blogger or WordPress on it just looks unprofessional. I KNOW this is a hobby blog but STILL..You want to put your best self out there right. Well go and get the name that is ungodly yours and then you can look great….. like me!!

Self-Hosted WordPress


This is a hobby blog, but you can still make a few dollars off of it. Maybe you will make enough to pay for your hosting. To best prepare yourself to make a few dollars however it pays to have a self-hosted WordPress. I am sure there are some square space users making money, but most of the money makers I have seen the use of self-hosted word press. With A self-Hosted WordPress, you OWN your content and website so you can do whatever the hell you please with it (within reason, please don’t set up a WordPress just to bully someone, that is not ok) while with square space they own everything and can revoke everything at any time.




I use this both for this blog and my ghostwriting blog. I am nowhere near say with photoshop, and this program helps me make my pics look cute. It is worth the money.


Tweak Me


This is another plugin from Nose Graze. You can see how I designed my site by using this plugin. Even if you are not a designer, you can still have a site that looks halfway decent! It has endless ways that you can tweak stuff to your liking.


I HATE scheduling tweets and Facebook posts among other things. Luckily there is Co-Schedule that does all this for us. You just make a template and then on future posts just click on the template and BOOM you just scheduled 40 social media posts at once!



This allows you to schedule posts at a future date. Also,  Co-Schedule can feed into buffer and post at the optional times that you can set up in Followerwonk! If all this sounds like gibberish just email me and I will be happy to help!

Smarter queue

This keep posts and stuff you put in it on a rotating basis. I like this better than NeetEdward because it has more features at half the price!  But why do you use BOTH buffer and SmarterQueue? Well because Buffer is perfect for one-time updates and Smarter Queue is great for stuff you want to keep on a rotating basis.


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