If you have ever lied and told your mother you had a nice dinner when in fact you didn’t eat because you didn’t want to stop reading then you are a book worm.
If your TBR pile is higher than yourself you maybe a book worm.
If you have to read just one more chapter before going to bed you my be book worm.
If you ever bought the cheapest generic food possible (added points if you use coupons) to have more money for books you maybe a book worm.
If you have overdue library fines due each month you may be a bookworm
If you have stayed up alllll night because you just had to find out what happens at the end of the book. You maybe a bookworm
If your Librarian knows you by name and what kind of books you would like you may be a bookworm
Anymore you would like to add? Just leave them in the comments!
If you’ve ever backed out of plans with friends or acquaintances in order to stay home and read… you may be a bookworm.
If your Instagram account is mostly pictures of books … you may be a book worm.
Great post! 😉
Ha ha! A LOT of those sound familiar 😉
[…] Ways to tell you are a bookworm […]
All very good. I shared on my blog too your link.
i think that I qlify since I have several TBR piles taller than me AND have made p excses not to go ot since I prefer to read instead (“I totally am washing my hair that night sorry!”)
[…] Ways to tell you are Bookworm (adventuresinneverneverland.com) […]
[…] Ways to tell you are Bookworm […]