When You Need Help

It was that day again. A day that I hated and dreaded with a passion. Cleaning day. I would do almost anything to avoid this. I hate a messy apt and I hated cleaning. On this day, I was even grumpier than usual. I had work to do and I wanted to be writing not scrubbing floors. This day, however, I had reached the breaking point. I was always in a bad mood when I had to clean and it affected my writing. It took me a few hours to get back in the creative zone. Something had to give. I couldn’t keep getting pissed every time I had to clean than having to calm down enough to write. I looked at my options. Doing it all, myself was making me mad and grumpy. I thought about not cleaning but I did not want my apartment to look like an episode out of hoarders. Plus I really can’t work when the apartment is a mess. I can’t explain it but it is like my brain is on the disorder and it keeps going to I MUST CLEAN and i become distracted and grumpy. It was a never ending circle. Then an idea hit me. I could hire a cleaning person! I sat down did some hard number crunching and found that I could afford it. The relief I felt at having this task taken care of by someone else was worth more than what I was paying. I was free to focus 100 percent on other things.
I know many of you out there feel the same way. There is just one task that if you could just get someone else to take over then your energy and focus would be so much better.
For many that is writing blog posts, white papers and among other things. You are a great business coach and you rock the actual coaching part but the idea of writing blog posts makes you want to throw your computer across the room.
You may be wondering if it is worth the money or you feel that because you are a smart person you should do it all yourself. I have been there. I used to feel that I should be able to do stuff all by myself. That asking or getting help was weak. I felt like I had to be super Hillary. I am glad that i finally came to my senses and realized that I did not have to do EVERYTHING.
I am glad that I finally asked for help for things I am not good with. It has made my life so much easier.
What are you doing to reach out and get help with today?

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