I know I know you are wondering how my going paleo is gonna help me write books and to write for clients. I will tell you. When I follow a strict paleo diet and lifestyle, my anxiety is nil. I mean it is GONE, and I will be the first to tell you that I write so much better without anxiety. I focus way better. I mean I can concentrate now, but when I am taking all my supplements and stuff, i can concentrate for hours. I feel so good. My depression lifts entirely. When I exercise, I feel so good. In general, I feel like a million bucks, and I write like a million bucks. The way you FEEL affects the way you write. I am not here to say that the paleo life is for everyone. It is not but for me, and I have seen a lot of people it works.
I have decided to be transparent about my journey to getting healthy. At the moment I eat crap, and I feel like crap even though I dressed up for the pic and got my mom to take my good side. I weigh 280 pounds. I WAS up to 320 that is a small improvement. I plan to eat a Whole 30 diet and to do some form of exercise every day. I am in the hills of southeastern Ky and would you know there is nota gym within 100 miles of here. I googled that and was like damn. I was not to be defeated, so I went and Got me a Subscription to Beachbody on Demand. That was before I was introduced to the whole wide world of online fitness videos. I was reading some blogs and came across BBG and Blogiliates among others. I honestly had no idea those existed. I prefer an actual gym with an actual personal trainer as I have in My apartment in Cleveland. I need the accountability to show up and do the actual workouts.I have found here at home I am tempted to sit my lazy ass down and WATCH the video, but alas this is the best that I can do here in the mountains. I try hard to complete each video. I do like that Beachbody on Demand has hundreds of programs to choose from so there is that. If for some reason I can get to the gym I will have this as a backup. I want to make sure that I do some form of exercise every single day.
I also need to watch what I eat. I have printed out the whole 30 food list so that I will always know what I can eat. I went on the whole 30 a couple of years a gap and had great success with it, so I know I can do it I just need to put in the effort. I am hoping that being transparent with my struggles and journey that I can maybe encourage someone else going through the same thing
Here is a picture of what I look like now at 270 pounds. I cant find a picture of me at 320 pounds. I think I hid from the camera when I was at that weight. I am hoping to be at least 140 by December of this year. Wish me luck!
That thing around my neck goes to my implant. I was rocking out to Kesha while taking this pic!
Woo hoo!!! You can do this! Thanks for sharing your journey! Do you have a link to the whole 30 list? You look great in this pic so just imagine how amazing you’ll look in December!
Thank you!!! The shopping list can be downloaded here!! https://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-shopping-list.pdf
[…] My copy of Lincoln in the Bardo audiobook came in for me on overdrive! I haven’t really tried fiction on audiobooks, but after seeing how so many book bloggers LOVED it on audio, I wanted to give it a try. I am going to listen to that this week and read my copy of Whole30 as I have started the whole30 for the year. Yeah I am doing a whole360 lol. […]