I was forced to take a good long hard look at my spending last week. Imagine my surprise when I realized how much I have spent on audio and ebooks. I had gotten almost all of them on sale but I learned the hard way that dollar bills add up I am placing myself on a book buying ban for the rest of this year. I am hoping that will inspire me to start saving more aggressively for other goals that I have in mind. I will just make use of the library.
The weather is finally nice again so I have been doing a lot of reading on my balcony. Which is my favorite place to read in the summer. Now only this apartment building had a pool I would be all set. I will make sure that my next apartment has a pool.
I wonder if being able to hear and understand audiobooks and podcasts ever gets old. I know there are people such as my mom who hates audiobooks. That just blows my mind. How could anyone hate audiobooks is beyond me. I mean you can read while doing anything but mom is all like meh about them. To each their own I guess.
I had a couple of friends who almost bit my head off when I told then that overdrive was old tech and now libraries are making the switch to Libby. I am still puzzled as to how heavy library user could not know about Libby. and another friend claimed that getting ab ebook of the library website was like getting something with a bad PDF. I was all like OMG everyone is stuck in the year 1999! None of my friends were used by that so I just shut up. They wanna wrestle with overdrive more power to them. Meanwhile, I will just be over hear with one click and the book is downloaded, Libby.
Do you want to know how big a sucker that I am? I was listening to the podcast what shall I read next and it came to the part where the sponsored wee being announced. Beachbody was one of them wig Anne Bogal explains how she does a workout from them every morning. I ALMOST went and bought me a sub but then I told myself that BBG is WORKING and I just needed to stay with what works instead of running after everything use I have tried Beachbody and it was meh. I lost a few pounds but not a lot so really if I hereto spent 100 for a whole year it would be a waste because I lost maybe 15 pounds with it where with BBG I have lost 75 pounds so yeah..if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.