Sunday Post/ What I am reading

Sunday Post

We FINALLY got the weather that gives spooky books that added spookiness. I mean you can read about Zombies anytime you want but if it is fall and lots of fog etc then the book will feel like you are IN the story!
Due to some issues going on IRL I took to my hidey-hole and just read. I got in FOUR wheel books! I was soo happy that my reading mojo has returned. If you are new here I wrote a post about becoming spoonie. I am pleased to say this year I am well and I am super excited about the holidays. I even turned on my Christmas music on Spotify. I may be early but I am making up for lost time.
The sleep dr finally called and they said they had an opening Nov 14 so I just have to make it till then. I have started reading and working on blog posts to pass the time. I can’t complain, well I guess I COULD but I would rather take that energy and channel it into something more…productive.

The four books that I read are


I have to be honest I loved every one of the books that I read/listened to. I don’t think I have felt this positive about my week in reading in a long time. I am not sure WHY I felt this way but I did. Now I have hope again that there is still some good quality writing out there.

For this week I set the bar a little higher. I looked and Tribe Of Mentors is about a zillion pages long but if I keep up te speed that I did last week then it is completely doable.

Here is what I am hoping to read this coming week

I am also sort of mad cause I let some people talking me out of paying for photoshop and instead of GIMP. I knew that I and Gimp would part ways soon because it is a piece of junk. From now on I am using a tried and proven method for pics taken next to famous dead people.
Diet-wise I was doing well until a family member died and I am gonna be honest with you, I ate a whole GALLON of ice creams along with other foods. I am back on track though so yay for that!

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