October 2019 Goals

Hillary October 2019 Goals
I seriously can’t believe that this year only has three months left in it. I will admit that there were times when it felt that time dragged on when I saw a ton od DR’s. I finally have my health under control all that I have left is to get my CPAP thingie for my sleep apnea. That is not till November 14 though. No wonder all the sleeping pills did not work. The problem all along was different than what an Ambien pill treats. It feels as if I am in a state of constant exhaustion as I tried to keep October Goals manageable. The exercise goal I will admit that it is a big stretch, but we only get better with a stretch goal. Right!?
Hillar Roberts October 2019 goals

Do the 31 Day Challenge on Tone it Up.

I will admit that I have been slacking off on my fitness and weight loss goals so when I heard about the Fall 2019  31 day challenge by Tone it Up I rushed to the website and signed myself up .this is just a kick in the pants that I need to get back on track I am self-motivated for almost any other activity but for some reason with exercise and food choices I suck.. I feel that is because there are no quick consequences if eat I drank a Gallon of Birthday Cake ice cream from the local hotdog stand. O  even rationalize it by telling myself that I am supporting the local Appalachian economic recovery. However, I AM competitive. I may not be the deranged cut-throat type A now but believe you me if I DO do a thing I always want to be the BEST.  I remember when I lived in Cleveland, and I was going to the Gym would see an equally overweight person, and I would force myself to stay on the treadmill running to nowhere land until THEY got off.  I know that is mean and stupid. BUUUT it worked! I lost a whopping 85 pounds in one year doing that mind game. I want to get back on track because when I workout and no eat junk, I feel a million types better, and THAT starts the upward pleasure spiral where I am way more productive and just a better human. So No more half-assing my food choices and workouts.  I know that the Tone it Up plan works wonders the same as BBG. The only difference is Tone it Up you can do it at home while BBG you need a gym. I don’t care what people say ALL  the BBG workouts you are using a machine and weights and stuff. So for now for me, Tone it Up is where it is at!

Be more intentional with my time.

I often find myself scrolling and looking through the black hole that is social media and blog posts. I mean there is nothing wrong with looking, but I also want to connect with people and not just be a creepy stalker. I also want to do a time audit to see how long stuff takes me so I can better plan my schedule. I often have little pockets of time when I am waiting at a Dr’s office and when I am going somewhere. Even if it is just listening to a business or book podcast, I can listen and learn stuff and do self-enrichment. I am a new age-self-help productivity junkie, so this kind of thing lights me up.

Work on my ultimate book blog planner/spreadsheet on airtable

I loooove spreadsheets. I am a data nerd. I mean I for over my data on places like exist.io and try an hack my way to my best life my  Schizoaffective disorder be damned. I have seen and even bought some reading tracker spreadsheets, but it seems as if one spreadsheet would almost be perfect but for ONE thing. Then I found Airtable and had the idea to see if I could create the Ultimate book blogger spreadsheet!

 Do at least three courses that I have paid for

When I figured out that I could understand ALL THE THINGS with my Choclear Ear Implant, I went a little crazy with getting a shit ton of courses. I have to watch a few, and you know what? My blog has grown by leaps and bounds since I started to implement strategies rather than trying to wing it or just plain on guessing hat to do. I am still shocked by how much I did NOT know, and I know a few of my Deaf friends who have an online business are in the same shape that I used to be in. While this bothers me, the topic deserves its post. I still have a ton left that I haven’t watched. Just need to make myself a schedule to do everything.
While this is not a “Goal,” I am looking forward to Dewy’s read-a-thon.  I have already cleared my schedule for that weekend. I am doing the Fall one it Up challenge so  I will follow my eating plan, but I still will have extra fun getting my reading pile ready.
That’s what I have planned for October. Hopefully, once I get my CPAP and feel well-rested, I can have some big goals that I have in mind.


  1. Good luck with your goals! I’m also going to try to exercise every day this month. I’ve been slacking a lot recently.

    1. I was doing well then I sort of lost motivation. I started feeling really sluggish and I am on the struggle bus at the moment but I am getting back to where I was.

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