A Recap of April 2020 Goals


Here we are at the end of another month and halfway through the year. I admit I REALLY struggled in April because due to having an allergy to steroids, the Dr told me to try cutting out all wheat to see if that helps my Psoriatic Arthritis. It did, plus I started to really track my pain levels and what I ate and did to see if I could pinpoint which food was making me inflamed. I WILL BE 100 honest that the whole getting used to not having wheat was fucking BRUTAL. OMG! Here on the other side, I AM feeling a shit ton better. My pain levels are 0.5 on the infamous pain scale, so in order not to fall into the pity trap, I will just look for what I CAN have and be happy.

Focus on Nutrition

Yep!! I finally got my food intake under control, AND I have found a program that I can stick with for life. I have to admit that I had my doubts that any program could be as effective as BBG, but I was proven wrong. I had to go to the DR, and when they weighed me, I had lost 25 pounds in ONE MONTH!! I followed the Tone it UP program to a T, and I was blown away by how much weight I have lost. And it does not stop there. When I started following the meal plan, I was feeling like I was running on empty. Once I began to follow eating real eating food, I started noting how much better I felt. I am not all the way 100 recent better, but I a lot better than when this month started, and I am positive that I will be feeling my best in a few months!

Get ahead with blog posts

Hahaha nope… I think I only published 2 blog posts in the whole month of April. Going Gluten-free was a bitch. I did it before when I was doing paleo, but I had forgotten just how brutal it was. I am a lot better now, so as long as I do not eat any gluten, I should be fine for a good long time.

Learn how to cook

Well, I did.. kinda… I purchased the Tone it Up meal plan, and it was made for people like me who I snot a wizard at making edible things. Plus, the recapped are to die for! It is well worth the price.

Make reading a priority

I did, and I was on track to actually read this month, but I found it hard to focus. At first, I thought it was just me. My overactive brain that couldn’t concentrate because it seems like the end of the world is neigh, but after talking with some friends, I realized that a lot of people felt the same way. So I am not gonna beat myself up over it, and for the past few days, I have been back at my usual reading speed. Mainly because I have been blowing through the Perils in Plain Space series

I did, but a lot of my friends had an idea that this is the end times, and it was only making my anxiety WORSE. I had precisely the friends that were close to me AND were sure this is the whole virus would somehow go away, so I kept in close contact with them, but the rest I had to be careful. I actually had an anxiety attack, and I knew that I really had to look out for myself because no one else was going to. So I took the leap and did not pay attention to the little voice in my head telling me I was a selfish bitch, and I think I am back with significant mental space.

Kon Marie my closet

I did!! I got rid of 10 big ass garbage bags of stuff. I have to admit that I was hesitant because what if I get that fat again? Then my newfound affirmations kicked in, and I managed to turn my headspace around to Getting fat is no longer an option. So off went the clothes that I wore when I was 340 pounds.


you read that right my highest weight ever was 340 pounds

it is now around 270ish ( thank You Tone it Up) now I feel like I will get to my goal weight and I will never ever have to wear ugly clothes cause that is the only thing that fits.



  1. Congrats on eating healthy and exercising! I’ve been doing that too. It’s hard. I know I’m losing weight because my clothes are looser, but I don’t know how much I’ve lost. I hope you’re having a good May!

    1. Yay for looser fitting clothes!! According to the DR scale, I lost 6 pounds last month, and that was when I was just half-assing it. I am now totally committed, and I hope I lose even MORE weight and faster.

    2. Hillary says:

      Yay for looser fitting clothes!! According to the DR scale, I lost 6 pounds last month, and that was when I was just half-assing it. I am now totally committed, and I hope I lose even MORE weight and faster.

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