Catching Up- May2020

Well… I did not mean to take this long of a break, but I guess I did. At first, I felt like I had run out of things to blog. Of course, I became sick (not the virus) after some tests I found out that I was severely allergic to wheat aka no more gluten for meeeee and I thought well I could just be Gluten-free vegan! I was already a Vegan  I mistaking thought that only not eating Gluten would be super easy.. I was so wrong. Reader, I am here to tell you that the whole withdrawal process was fucking brutal. I never in my life had any idea just how harmful and addictive Gluten was. There were even times I would break down and cry cause all I wanted to be a pie of white bread. Buttttt I stayed away from it, and I feel a zillion times better now. I am 99 percent pain-free right now. Thankfully my Psoriatic Arthritis is in remission, and I hope I stay in remission fora very long time

But still…I want 2020 do-over… Anyone else feels the same way??

I also started to take my health way more seriously.  I used to work out hardcore then I fell majorly off the bandwagon. Honestly, I could tell a huge difference in myself when I worked out, so since I am in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains, I switched from BBG to Tone it Up… Both deliver spectacularly good results. The only difference is BBG; you need a gym, and Tone it up is all about the at-home workouts. I use the Tone It up workout app, and I use Noom to count Calories. It is working well as long as I don’t give in to the voice in my head that is always urging me to switch program because what if it IS better? Intellectually I know that this is untrue. Different programs a whole new client base and all of that… All I have to do is remember when I did cycle through apps, and somehow I always ended up fatter, so what I am doing now is working I will just keep on doing what I am doing right now.

I just wish m body would hurry up and start functioning without ass long naps and such. Even my morning routine is affected by not having the engird I had before (to be honest before was probably from all the sugar and the “sugar” energy. And we all know that there can be no sugar energy without the sugar crash. I used to be able to wake up and spring into action.  Now not so much. This is my current morning routine at the moment

  • Look at Feedly until said pills kick in
  • Do that day’s Work Out in the Tone it Up  app
  • Post-workout smoothie
  • Go back to sleep for a long post-workout nap
  • when I wake up, I do whatever is on my Calendar for the day




I used to have a good one before I quit because I was in so much pain. I have accepted that I need to restart at the bottom, and I shall be even more active. My only complaint is that I still feel a bit exhausted because I am still getting used to not having a ton of sugar and wheat in my diet. I felt that same way back when I was Paleo, and it took weeks before I felt even remotely human, so I am confident that as long as I stick this out, my energy will return.

I will tell you that one of the best things that happened after I cut out Gluten and junk food is that I no longer have brain fog, and my creativity is making its way back to me. I have a few ideas for this blog, and even my friends who know me outside of the internets have competed on how much creativity I have now.

The adage that says eat like shit feel like shit is very true. When I look back at how far I have comes in things such as health problems and trying to get my brain firing on all cylinders, it is incredible that I got anything done, and if I did, it was NOT my best Work. That was a harsh lesson to learn. I am almost to the point where I am not all upset cause I can not have Gluten, but I still get these urges when I see a cake or something, and I get all mad inside. I can’t explain it any better than that, but thankfully it is few and far between now.

I may not have been blogging, but I HAVE been reading a lot. The Shrink put me on a new med, and my brain ( attn span) started to improve in 72 hours, and now I can once again read for hours on end. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to read, and then when you look up, six hours had passed.


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