keep up with my fitness routine
I have been working out for a while now and no I am not any skinnier. I was on Seroquel which makes u gain weight by giving you an insatiable craving for sugar. I have talked to people who would d eat the whole can of cake icing in one sitting. So yeah nobody is gonna lose weight on Seroquel. I no longer take that pill and my sugar craving has all but gone away. I always feel better after a hard workout. Like any normal person I sometimes slack off and when I do I can tell a huge difference in how I feel and productivity levels.
be intentional
OK time for total honesty. Ther have been many times when I have fallen down a rabbit hole online. And it not even GOOD rabbit holes it just…there and after looking at my dismal stats on the blog and books read for 2019 I told myself must get a grip on my mindless scrolling on social media if I want my accounts to grow. If you want to pump out shit and gain traction you have to be a crater and not just a consumer.
work on my sleep
If you have been reading this blog for a while you will know that my sleep was almost non-existent. In June of 2019, the underlying cause was finally discovered. I have a tiny windpipe that is not big enough to breathe properly so I got me a sleep machine. I thought the Dr was exaggerating when I had Pre-op for my first implant. They were like wow then allll the Drs came to see my tiny windpipe and it was so small they even brought in the MEDICAL students. I knew I had trouble breathing but at the time I was also a heavy smoker and I just brushed it off as the pack a of cooperates a day make it a tiny bit difficult to breathe but nope I had an actual sleep study done and it was found that I stop breathing and would wake up then it would repeat itself till I gave up and just chugged down coffee and went on with my day. I am sleeping a lot better with my machine but 7 years of bad sleep habits are hard to unlearn soooooo I need to learn how to sleep again. Does anybody have any tips?

Learn how to cook healthy vegan food
I used to be adamant that you could so lose weight if you were careful in restaurants and you know what? You absolutely can BUT good luck on finding a gluten-free vegan meal. I have noticed a huge difference in my knee pains as long as I stay far away from gluten. I finally admitted to myself that if I want to be able to do basic stuff AND remain independent then something would have to go and that something is gluten.
Stop my shiny object syndrome
I don’t know about you but whenever I see or hear something new I MUST TRY IT. Never mind the fact that my current setup/program or anything is damn near perfect with the way I need it. I will thro wit out the window for any kind of new something. This should not pose such a problem but unlike everybody else who has no real issues to contend with I have Schizoaffective disorder and it is a pain in the ass to find the sweet spot of handling life and feeling out of control.
Be more involved in the bookish community
For the last couple of years, I have not really been active in the whole book blogging community. I feel that a majority was because I felt so run down I did not have the energy left to be active on social media. Now that I feel a LOT better I am going to be more visible.
Support more bookish small business
The other day I was looking around the internets looking for a very expensive candle that was supposed to smell good. I found a lot of them on Etsy but I have not looked very hard to which people have a small business in the book comity. This was also around when it seems that everyone was switching to whole I was sticking with Amazon because Amazon has EER AUDIOBOOK EVAR!. I did feel kind of guilty but not guilty enough to switch. Then I started thinking about buying what I could with people who are not affiliated with Amazon and I told myself that this year in 2020 I am going to make an effort to get everything from an indie seller.
Get back into the journaling habit
I used to journal/do morning pages a LOT and I could tell a difference in how “easy” the words flow out of my brain and onto the page. My writing was better also. The first deaf of anything that I write first thing in the AM is usually all shitty and I have to redo it. If I do morning pages it warms up my brain so I can make sense with the actual project of writing for that day.