Goals for October

Goals for October

So Today is October 1st . I am finally NOT sick. The depression has lifted and for the first time this year I feel good. I am determined to make the most of the rest of the year so I thought every month I would set up goals. Because successful people make goals right? After all if you have no roadmap you will never get to any place worth going.

Be Paleo

Before, when I was on Paleo I had energy, my brain fog went away and I had all kinds of creative ideas. I think I was sick so long this summer because I neglected to take care of myself so far this year. This has to change. I dont just want to live, I want to THRIVE and to do that I need to be in the best health possible.

Read 10 books

I am soooooo far behind on my ARC books it is not even funny. I made a list and I am hoping for more than ten but at the least I want to read ten books this month.

Do not be so isolated

With the depression then having a month-long sinus infection I played the part of a modern-day hermit well. While I am mostly an introvert I do need some contact with the rest of humanity so this month I am going to be more in touch with friends and make new ones. Both online and off.

Get 5 more clients

I have done well for my first year freelancing. I know I can do even better so I am going to put myself out there and do my best.

Work on my Ebook

I am writing an ebook for my professional website. It is going to be a freebie for people who sign up for my email list. I am not quite sure what it is going to be yet so I need to brainstorm and stuff. I am going to make this a priority though.

Do you have goals for this month? If so what are they?

1 Comment

  1. […] posted my goals for October here. I havent had time to go to the food store so I am not exactly paleo yet, but I am going on Monday […]

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