Hillary’s Wellness/Weight Loss Check In Week One

Way back in the day I was a part of Fit Readers. Like many, I went off the weight loss train. Then I hit my then highest weight of 320. I went straight from the shrink’s office to Planet Fitness and signed my ass up. I lost 85 pounds in two years. I was doing great, life was just like I always dreamed it would be. A rent-controlled apartment in a prime location I was earning money with writing and well I FINALLY felt I had reached a place that my bipolar wasn’t the boss of my life.


The whole autoimmune shitstorm started. Long story short after a year of dr appts and all that I was finally diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. I was put on the proper meds and at the moment am pain-free!! Yay! I then realized I had hit my all time high weight of 330 pounds. I was so shocked by that number I basically yelled HOLY SHIT I AM FAT!!!

So I have started working out again. This time I am looking to lose weight yes but in a way where it will STAY off. I used to be low carb until finally, I owned up to the fact that I HATED meat. I have been looking all over for delicious vegan recipes. I got a subscription to Plan to Eat. I had to move back to my parents temporarily, and the nearest gym here in Central Appalachia is 45 mins away so yeah… Not happening…I got a subscription to the Tone it Up workouts and have been doing those and OMG they WORK!! They are just as effective as the BBG program I used to do when I had access to a full gym. I track EVERY bite in MyFittnessPal. I have a Fitbit that I use to make sure I am somewhat active. I am always afraid of my arthritis flaring up but so far so good.

I was weighed three weeks ago, and the scale showed that I had lost 14 pounds in three weeks ( when you have a chronic illness I learned you are always in and out of doctors offices) then just last Thursday I was at my therapist, and they weighed me, and I had…GAINED THREE POUNDS!!

I was sooooo upset. I mean I felt like crying. I was all like, BUT I HAVE BEEN WORKING OUT SO HARD! I went on and on about how I worked out every day, and that is when the nurse said I could be building muscle. I am not sure if that the case but it made me feel better. I felt even better when my therapist said that I DID look slimmer soooo. I am just going to double down for the next two weeks and continue working out and all of that.

Goals For  next week

  • Drink at least 60 oz of water. I should be drinking more due to my weight but baby steps
  • Exercise at six days a week
  • Track EVERY bite that passes my lips in myfittnesspal
  • Look for more vegan recipes
  • When I have my dr appt three hours away on Monday, focus on making the healthiest choices instead of perfectionism.

1 Comment

  1. […] I posted alll about my weight loss thingie. I will post every Saturday. I am hoping that by posting it will hold me accountable. If you […]

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