Life Update March 5 2021

Here we are. It is now March. Last month I concluded that my creativity needs some serious help. I ordered Th artist Way, and I am super excited. I have already done some of the chapters, and while it is too early to tell, I at least FEEL like I A DOING SOMETHING RATHER THAN just sitting around hoping my brain will spontaneously start working again.


I finally got into a reading groove with Soul Full of Coal Dust. At first, I had a hard time reading the stories because they hit so closes to home. I myself was born and raised in SouthEastern Ky and had a family member who worked in the coal mines, and well, it is not pleasant by any means. I actually had to put the book down for a few days, then I came back, and I am on the last little bit, so yay for me being able to control my emotions!


it took me two whole months, but I finally figure out that my old method of Wake up t the ass crack of dawn and is all productive for 12 hours was NOT going to cut it. I researched, and I found out that my peak hours were around 10 to 2 pm. We shall see how the new schedule goes.


I have gotten lax with putting in every bite in my Noom app, and it shows. I measured myself, and I was super sad to see I had gone up a couple of inches. I have to keep reminding myself that I have to keep track of what I have for the rest of my life. This makes me sad and mad at the same time, but I have to face the truth, and that is I use food like some people pop pain pills, and while neither one is ideal, I have never seen such a visceral reaction to someone trying to make an opioid addict feel shame. Instead, when you are just fat, it seems that everyone wants to tell you what they heard from a friend of a friend who lost 100 pounds in six weeks and how I should try that. That also makes me mad cause I am on Abilify for Schizoaffective disorder, and it is no walk in the park to lose weight on an anti-psychotic med. I am one of the people that can actually lose weight as long as I stay under my calories for the day, so here is to a lifetime of tracking everything into Noom!

Related- The App I am Using to Lose 100 pounds


I can finally get my brain quiet enough not to act to every little thing that popped up. I am not gonna lie; it took me over a year of daily practice on HeadSpace to get to this point. I WILL say it is 100 percent worth it!



  1. I feel your pain with food tracking. I’ve been doing it since February last year. I know it will help me lose weight, but it’s such an annoyance sometimes. I just want to grab food, and eat it until I’m full, and not measure everything. I never feel full on the 1200 calories the app gives me.

    1. I am glad I am not alone! I struggle with being stressed or being actually hungry lol.

    2. I am glad I am not alone! I struggle with being stressed or being actually hungry lol.

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