I Tried the Buzziest Vitamin out …And I Liked it!

This past year has been a difficult one. Getting to the bottom of all my heath issues almost did me in. I had thought that the process of getting better would be as easy as popping some pills and Presto! Good health shall be mine.


It did not work out like that. I have written about becoming a “spoonie” before. I wrote that when I sank to the very bottom of life health-wise I honestly thought I wwas doomed to spnd the rst of my life sick and in pain.  After making some drastic lifestyle changes that included a complete overhaul of what I ate, I am pleased to say that I am 98 percent better. As soon as I get my C-PAP thingie and get some quality sleep and lose around 170 pounds, I will be as healthy as I have ever been in my  life.

I started by changing my eating habits. I had been doing Paleo, and it worked, but I HATE meat, and I knew that whatever I did had to be for the rest of my life, so after researching and trying out different eating styles, I found out that I could stick to a gluten-free, vegan eating style. So that is what I did. As my health slowly improved, and I found that I could walk again without pain from my  Psoriatic Arthritis, I started working out. I HAD been doing BBG, but there is no local gym here in the mountains, so I began to doing Tone It Up. I dont care what anyone says if you have a Gym then yes BBG works but if yu are far out in the boobies of Central Appachia you best bet is Tone it Up because that workout was made for home workouts

As of this moment I feel that I have finally picked the right workout and I will be able to do the workout til i am super old. There was just one problem. I STILL felt as if I have very little energy. And I, as I have mentioned before, I REFUSE to eat meat. Just the thought of it now makes my tummy churn with nausea. I thought that maybe the weak feeling would go away or get better, or I would magically wake up and be my pollyanna self. So I waited…


After a few months, I still felt weak and washed out; it was then that my Dr told me that if I did not want to eat meat, I need to take a multi Vitamin for iron and nutrients like that. Then the search began for a vitamin that I would not throw it up after 30 mins. I knew from my hardcore Paleo Days that cheap Wal-Mart vitamins were not that great, so I had been using ones from Amazon that all the health blogs were raving about. I am still willing to say that they are effective as long as you can keep them down, but I couldn’t. Thus begin the hunt for a vitamin that would not make me throw it up 2 hours later.

Let’s say that I went through a shit ton of almost EVERYTHING with Iron in it, and every single pill made me puke. Hell, even the medicine the Dr gave me made me puke.

Then I started seeing ADs for Ritual on Instagram, and at first, I was like 30 dollars for a one month supply?!  Since nothing else was working, I decided to give it a try, and I am sooooo glad that I did!

The founder is herself a vegan, and I read on the Ritual website that she invented  Ritual because she could not find a vitamin that she felt confident in. She also did not like the lack of transparency that most vitamin and supplement makers tended to have. I have to agree on that last point myself. I mean, if the other companies were sooooooo proud of their product, why all the secrecy?

The ingredients that made it into the Ritual were thoroughly tested. The makers of Ritual also made sure that they only put pure and high-quality ingredients into the capsules. I don’t know about YOU, but every time I have bought a vitamin from a discount store, I often wondered what the hell was in the pill. And to make matters worse, the times that I did not throw it up, it never seemed to work. I was at the end of my rope and was seriously pondering if may I should choke down some beef every once in a while.  Ritual was my last hope, and I am so soo glad that I tried it.

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