We got snowstorm last week.And here I thought it is about to be spring. Shows how much I know. It even kept me from the gym a couple of days cause I was not about to break my leg by walking on ice.
I had a Drs appt last week, and I found out that I lost 50 pounds since nov! I felt like telling everyone seeeee the paleo diet and working out works! Yes, I TEID going vegan for the second time and for the second time I felt as if I was going to pass out on the treadmill. I don’t have time for that, so I switched back to a paleo diet, and that is what I am going to stay o for the rest of my life. I am never gonna let anyone talk me into going Vegan or anything again. I have another drs appointment in April, and I am hoping that I can lose 20 pounds before then.
The winter blues crept up on me last week. I was fine until we had that now storm then I was all like blah. I guess I need to get me some more vitamin d to take. That helped me a lot before. The dr said that my vitamin d levels were okay, but I read in one of my paleo sites that what Drs consider fine can be quite low. I decided to play dr on myself and start taking 1500 mg a day, and I felt sooo much better!
I am hoping I get in a better mood soon. I cut down carbs drastically, and I am having a hard time adjusting. I always go through this I know will be better in a couple of weeks. For now, I just oil myself up, journal and workout to get myself through this icky mood I find myself in.
Is it just me or am I the only one that can’t seem to listen to audiobooks while on the treadmill or working out? I have tried, but it seems that I cant coordinate everything and either I miss what the audio or podcast said entirely or I almost fall flat on m ass on the treadmill. I have given up and instead just listen to Spotify. I am jealous of people that can listen to an audiobook while running.
Right now I am listening to Why We Get Fat on Scribd. I lost a few days of listening because a wire on my implant snapped and it is hard to understand stand speech with just one working implant. I got a new wire through and am back to my audiobooks Why We Get Fat is an eye-opening book. I know some people feel as if it is junk science, but all I know is that low carb and paleo work for me and I feel tons better on it.
I am reading an ARC book Internet Famous. I thought I should tackle my huge ARC pile. Most are already published, but that is ok I can still review them. I put them all on a list, and there were 82 of them lol..oh well better late than never!
Has anyone tried the new social network Vero yet? I downloaded it, and it looks like fun if I had people I know on there lol.
I am taking part in Caffeinated Reviews March Challenge!
Mary #SundayRoundup #8
that sounds like fun!!!!
Congrats on the weight loss. Hang in there…spring is on the way.
sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes
Thank you!!! I hope spring gets here quick!
Congrats on ditching 50lbs!! I’m trying to get myself back into some exercise. I have hiking trails I can walk to from my Mom’s house where I’m currently living if I would just get my lazy ass up and dressed. I walked one yesterday…1.11 miles…and was thinking how much I LOVE walking these nature trails so why is it so damn hard to get out there? It’s the whole getting dressed part for me. If I could just go in my jammies and not care it would be no problem.
Anyway! Could you tell us YOUR typical day’s paleo menu? Not what the paleo experts say to eat but what you personally eat. I think that is the most appealing of all the diets I’m a carnivore so no vegan diets for me.
I’m on Vero as either Jinjer or Jinjer Hundley.
I added you but you have not confirmed it yet! Lol
Congratulations! It’s hard to shed 2 lbs! 50 are awesome!
Have a lovely week 🙂
Congrats on the weight loss! That’s awesome. I’m limited in what dieting I can do right now because I’m nursing, but I’ve got to get this baby weight off. Hope you ave a great week!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
yeah that would make it difficult. But there are some ways you could do it I know that the BBG program has a post pregnancy program here is the link if you wanna check it out
Good for you. I tried doing The Whole 30 last year and only made it to day 16. It was hard!
it is hard!! I struggle with it nut if it helps me with my sugar cravings it is worth it.