I finally went to the library on Saturday. I was soo nervous about telling the librarian what happened to one of the books, but she thought it was funny and then said well you are one of our top patrons so don’t worry about it.” I almost fell over. I was FINALLY a VIP or something. I had no idea that the Liberians kept track of such things but being told I a one of the best made my day.. Hell, maybe even my week.
I have been doing so so on my Paleo eating. Although now I will make ultra strict as my stepfather went to have to check up and his blood sugar was sky high. Mom went around throwing away everything with sugar in it. So now we only have paleo food, which is good. This week has been..interesting as all three of us went ( still are) through sugar with drawls. Sugar withdrawals are a bitch, and it seems we all are taking things a little too personally, but I told mom that pastime Went hardcore Paleo it took about a month for the sugar dragon to finally die. I am jealous a family member is struggling to get clean from meth and this person has pills that help with “cravings” but when I asked my DR about something for carb and sugar withdrawals she thought it was funny. Hmmph, I I have since learned that a paleo lifestyle is perfect for inflammation and the fact my knees are almost all better give me a shit ton of motivation to stick with it.
This is my sad library haul from last Saterday
Yep, I only checked out two books this time. The library lets you put up to 5 holds at one time, and two books FINALLY came in and the rest of them I am probably 1000 behind people.
My Sister the Serial Killer– OMG this one had a long ass hold time! Now it is finally my turn to see if it can live up to the hype surrounding it.
Just the Essentials– I am beyond obsessed with my essential oils and all of Young Living stuff. I had my doubts when I first started using them a couple of years ago but now I have seen the effects and all I can say it wow..this is good stuff.
I did get about halfway through A New Earth before my cat Marbles shredded it to bits. I may go ahead and get it on Kindle as I feel that this is a book that should be read once a year at least.
This week I am gonna focus on getting all my ARC’s on to my TBR Trello Board. I want to get my Netgalley number thingie up. I feel that my Trello board is beneficial in seeing what I need to read next.
I also have a million sticky notes above my desk in my work nook.
I want to put them all in my TBR books on a spreadsheet that I bought so that I can keep track of who recommends what and I can make a better-informed design on who I listen to for book recs. Some of my IRL friends who I love dearly also come up with some of the shittiest books on this planet. I try not to judge, but I have come to realize that people recorded what THEY like most of the time and they do not stop and think about how I may feel about the book.
Of course, I have all my info with me, and that is where the spreadsheet comes in. But I have got to get into some productiveness
and keep it updated so When December comes I won’t be all like oh shit I have no idea where this book came from like I did last year.