What I learned in 2022

Well, here we are with the two weeks of January, and I am just getting this up. I had the worst flare-up with my Psoriatic Arthritis of my life, and mostly,y I just slept as much as possible now that the pain is waning, BUT I am going to try this blogging thing again.

Brain Fog IS real

I have a confession…..I always thought people were being hyperbolic when they claimed they had Brain Fog until it happened to me. It wasn’t very pleasant. My brain refused to corporate on anything that required a high level of thinking involved…such as writing. It became so bad that I could deny it no longer. My writing was shit. I took a hiatus, and while this may not be the BEST I ever wrote, it is passable.

Manifestation is REAL

I have been itching for a room to call a home office for around two years. So that you know, I may have been brought up in a fundamentalist church in Central Appalachia, but I have always gravitated and always will to the new age stuff. If you look at a pastor or whatever barely making it on a wing and prayer, you see someone such as Amanda Frances who has everything on this green earth to have, well…not to be mean. Still, I am poor because it is God’s will, AND being satisfied with a broken-down car, all I will say is more power to you. You do you…

In all seriousness, I had enough traumatic experiences with God’s reps here on earth that the whole religious thing makes me very angry if I think about it too much. I have healed about 98 percent from all the spiritual trauma I suffered but again…I have never in my gut felt like this is the only way to go. I remember in college when I disproved the new age movement and finally felt that there was something I could believe in. So instead of passing judgments and yakking about people they will burn in hell for eternity, I try my best to spread love and light. And THAT has yet to fail me.

Back to my manifestations, I had no idea where the office would come from, but I put my desire out and acted like I already had one. I even bought artwork and stuff to put in whenever it showed up. Then last August, the Great Flood of Eastern KY hit, and I live high on a mountain, so I was safe, but lots of family members let everything. My mother is a borderline hoarder, and what she called the junk room was PACKED with stuff she claimed to be saving for hard times. Then when said hard times did hit, she had a shit ton of things to give to people who lost everything, and soon the “junk room” was pretty much empty, and I called dibs, and THAT is now the home office!!

Then I got the surprise of the year when I received a DSLR camera for Christmas. I had wanted one to take better pics for my blog, among other things. I had no idea how expensive those cameras would be, but I acted as if I already had them. Then I did.

I want to point out that neither of them came fast. The home office was two years of manifesting, and the Camera was YEARZZZZZ of manifesting, so if you give up after four months, it will not work. You must have unwavering faith that the universe will deliver it at the best time.

You, indeed are what you eat.

My body can NOT handle gluten and sugar..at all…The first couple weeks that I stopped consuming them were super hard, but now I am starting to feel better, and I hope this will also help the pain from my Psoriatic Arthritis.

Workouts are fun

If you had told me three years ago that working out made me feel good AND would help my mental illness, I would have laughed at you. It took my shrink telling me no more strong anti-anxiety pills because they are addicting, and the research sewed that workout out helps just as much as popping a horse tranquilizer like med. There was a Planet Fitness right next door to my apartment, so I had no excuses because planet fitness is only 10 dollars a month; it took every ounce of willpower to walk in the door and inquire about membership. I paid, then I took my ass to the gym the following day ( I was inspired by the Miracle Morning) and walked on the treadmill in slo-mo, trying to fight off the sensation that I was an imposter. That my fatness somehow made someone else…I don’t know, but I know one thing for sure I was NOT feeling it and felt as if someone else should get dibs on that treadmill. If you have ever been to Planet Fitness, you know how stupid that sounds cause that chain has zillions of treadmills available anyway; I paid my fee, so I will keep walking in slow-mo.

My life had taken a turning point that day. I had no idea at the time just what blessing the universe had in store for me, but looking back, I realized just how far I had come.

These days I still work out, but as I am in the boonies, aka central Appalachia, there was not a Gym close by, so I switched to Tone it Up workouts, and I do at least 30 mins of exercise a day.

Investing in your blog is one of the best investments you can make

This, I must admit, blew my mind when I realized it. It all started when o bought this course to figure out Pinterest. I was doing super well until the Great Flood of Eastern KY hit, and I live in one of the hardest hit areas. Nothing like a wall of 6 feet of water to show you what matters in this life. I did not realize it at the time but living through that was somewhat traumatizing. When you are an aide worker, and I don’t say this to sound mean, I feel that people can keep going as long as it is not THEIR family or possessions. When it happens to the above, it is a whole new story. I was lucky in a way because I live on a hill. Still, what with all the strip mining and all mining, I was terrified we were going to be buried alive underneath a landslide cause, believe me, no mining company followed the plant trees and all when they all shut down when the owners got all huffy about the Obama Law saying they have to follow safety measures and every last coal mine pulled out leaving Appalachia a scarred and abused piece of land. Then some family members lost everything they ever owned. What I now recognize as a perfectly normal response to trauma led me into the state that nothing matters, and what is the point of blogging about books and stuff when a national dissuader is happening?

It took a while, but I worked out my feelings in therapy, and the urge to blog and write started slowly returning to me. I decided not to force it, to see where and what had happened. Then I got my home office and camera, and slowly the last couple of weeks, I could feel the motivation coming back, and well, here I am!

I have always loved learning, so I went off a course shopping spree and put everything into Notion. I am planning on reading Building a second brain this week, so I can make it more.. helpful to me, at least.

The ones I have taken action on, such as the Pinterest Course, have been valuable in learning how to channel my marketing strategy to grow this blog.


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