Sunday Post

So today is April Fools Day, Easter and Marbles 1-year-old birthday! Marbles got his balls chopped off last Monday, and he is still mad about it. I also found out the little dude had ear mites and it is again to chase him down and give him his drops. What they cost me he is getting drops whether he wants it or not. I also had my carpet cleaned as his spraying had not only stunk up myΒ apartment but also the whole 4th floor.Β It was almost 500 dollars for my itty bittyΒ apartment. He had sprayed every inch of my carpet. I then cleaned everything I owned with thieves household cleaning stuff, and I forever love young living. Not only did it clean just as well as Lysol but it made my apartment smell like Christmas! I was still sort of skeptical of it, but all doubts have been erased.


I haven’t posted last week cause I am doing something new. I am writing Monday through Thursday and editing Friday.Β I am hoping that will allow me to make sure I only publish top quality posts. I find it I try and write and edit the same day it is a crapshoot of the quality.


Not much on the reading front. It seems as if the weeks fly by and all of a sudden is a new week and I a left feeling as if I did not get much accomplished.Β I got a plan for that though. I will tell it in my goal post on Tuesday. Β I have been listing to Cake: A Love Story and I had no idea I liked the romance. My hearing skills are becoming top notch. I am most cant wait til May so I can see how much I have improved with the audiologist testing thingie. That is a sight the hell almost freezes over. Me who used to curse and throw a fit every time I had to get a hearing test looking forward to seeing if I have improved. I still do not do well in a group setting but all well the fact I am listening to podcasts and audiobooks is a feat in itself.


The Birthday Cat




  1. Aw, poor Marble. But it has to be done. I’m sure he’ll forgive you. Have a great week πŸ™‚

    1. Hillary says:

      he seemed a little friendlier today. You have a great week also!

  2. Now he’s been fixed the spraying should stop so fingers crossed for no more $500 cleaning bills. πŸ™‚

    1. Hillary says:

      oh lord i hope not.. I dont think my walet can take any more schocks like that. Lol

  3. StackingMy BookShelves says:

    It is really hard to get on your site with that email thing that pops up. You should get rid of it. Or put it on a sidebar. Happy Birthday to the cat! Have a good week.

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #12!

    1. Hillary says:

      Marbles thank you….and thank you for telling me the pop up thingie bothered you..i got rid of it.

  4. Happy Easter and birthday to Marbles! Poor guy lol. But yeah one of my cays sprayed too before she was fixed and ugh- that was a pain!

    Have a super week!

  5. Hopefully the kitty forgives you soon for the ball chopping. It’s his own fault for stinking up the place. πŸ™‚ Have a great week!

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