May 2018 Wrap-Up


HOW IS IT JUNE ALREADY?!?! I know that I did not read or post much in May. Had a huuuuge project deadline. I MADE it! Now my ass is not doing any more heavy writing until Sept 1, 2018. This is gonna be an awesome summer. I plan on reading lots and sitting outside and grilling and all of that. I can’t wait. It seems as if with the entire months of may I spent hunched over my laptop typing as fast as I could to meet this deadline, so not much to report on THAT front. I did get a little blog post written and up but not many. I even slacked off going to the gym. Instead, I was all like
For a whole month.
My eating habit went all to hell also. I even had a few cigarettes if we are entirely honest here. I cut that out real quick though. I got smokers cough back, and I was like NOPE.  It was not pretty. Also, guess how many books I read?
A big fat zero.
I told my friend about that he claimed he could feel hell freezing over. Hmm well, I plan to make up for it in June July and Aug. I am doing nothing BUT reading.
I was insanely curious to see what all I posted during May
See not a whole hell of a lot.
I think posted  MAYBE 5 pics on Instagram for may also.  And they were not even that creative just a pic to be putting up so Y’all wouldn’t forget me.  But tomorrow is a whole new month, and I got some goals to make this an excellent summer.
So the month of may I did not read, I fell off the bandwagon of exercise and my eating plan, but I MADE MY DEADLINE!
There was one bright spot in the month that broke up the monotony a bit. I had a checkup of my cochlear ear implants, and I can now understand people and hear as hearing people do! The DR almost fell off her chair she was so shocked. Typically people who are born deaf and grew up deaf then get an implant at the age of 36 do not fare all that well, but I blew all expectations out of the water.
Also in the past couple months, book blogs are all I have wanted to read blog-wise. I feel that a lot of the stuff like veganism and essential oils and the like fare better on podcasts than they do regular blog posts. I still love reading book blogs as I like to be able to stop writing down the name of a book and who recommended it to me and all of that good stuff. For that, I tend to gravitate to blog posts. I have switched from Feedly to Bloglovin’ and culled the list of people massively. Anyone that was not a book blogger got the boot, so if you are reading this, you are probably fine.


  1. Congrats on finishing the project. Happy June, and good luck with getting back on track!

    1. Hillary says:

      thank you!! It feels soo good to have huge chunks of reading time now.

  2. Congrats on finishing the project. Happy June, and good luck with getting back on track!

    1. Hillary says:

      thank you!! It feels soo good to have huge chunks of reading time now.

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