May 2018 Goals

wow… This year is flying by! It seems that winter is over and spring is finally here so that puts me in a great mood. I was starting to think it was gonna be cold forever and ever. Here are my May goals. I kept it short so I would feel overwhelmed then not do anything but with these goals I feel like I can acomplish this month.

May 2018 GoalsMay 2018 Goals 

Get back in the habit of my morning routine

I feel off the wagon for this long ago, and yes I find myself struggling to be as productive during the day. I  like for things to be in a specific order and when I do tasks out of that order, it messes me up for the whole day.


Post and interact more on Instagram and Twitter.

I also want to try and set a specific numbers goal for both services in the hopes that will motivate me to stay active on social media

Twitter my goal is to hit 1000 followers

Instagram my goal is to hit 500 followers

It is also important to note that these numbers do not and will not ever define the level of self-esteem that I have. The numbers are just a way to measure how much I have improved and to make this goal an S.M.A.R.T goal.

Develop Time Mangement

Well, I do have some or else I would post on the blog or write for clients. I often find myself saying I will just do x when big ass project is done. That never fares well for me cause I will just have another big ass project and another and you get my drift. I need to sit down and figure out how much time each thing will take then put it on my calendar. I am going to use toggl to track all of my time. Hopefully, by the end of May, I will have an accurate picture of how much time I need to allot to each task.



  1. Good luck with your goals! I also need to figure out how to get better at social media.

  2. Good luck with your goals! I also need to figure out how to get better at social media.

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