Wow, author month down for 2018. Soon it will be the holidays again, and then we will be left wondering where the hell 2018 GO? Last year I was in the middle of a depressive episode, so it seems that 2017 dragged on and on however this year the months seem to be flying by. Beats being depressed though.
This year was the very first time that I was able to participate in June Is AudioBook month. I had lots of fun. I understand people and things well now. I still got lots of audiobooks I want to listen to though so I hope I continue to get better with my speech recognition.
My knees hurt most of the month so couldn’t do my BBG workouts. I am hoping to resume them on the first of July. I hope the gym is open on the 4th of July as I am in the habit of going every day and I feel anxious if I don’t get my workout in. All these years and my shrink were right to exercise and eating clean are a powerful combination. I am so getting back on the treadmill. The dr told me to use the elliptical until my knee was better and God I seriously hate that machine. Give me a good old fashioned treadmill any day.
I took the plunge and got a years subscription to BookRiot Insiders. I got the one with the new release index. And I LOVE it. Now I know when books I may be interested in comes out and can put them on hold at the library. And yes I keep my books now where i can make damn sure the cat cant piss on them again. I found out that the Leroy nimwad or whatever as I call it the Spock’s religious banterings was a whopping 500 dollars. I was like whatttttt???? Damn…even I agreed with the cat that the book wasn’t THAT good but I am illiterate when it comes to pictures like that so what do I know.
Here is what posted to the blog in June
- [2 Jun] June 2018 Goals
- [3 Jun] Sunday Post 6-3-18
- [7 Jun] Things That Fill Me Up
- [10 Jun] Sunday Post 6-10-18
- [11 Jun] What I am Reading 6-11-18
- [12 Jun] Dread Nation by Justina Ireland ★★★★★
- [13 Jun] Books I Plan to Reread this Summer
- [15 Jun] Top four places I Can Read Now That I Have Cochlear Ear Implants
- [16 Jun] If We Were having Coffe….
- [17 Jun] Sunday Post 6/17/18
- [19 Jun] Ways to Support Your Fave Book Blogger
- [28 Jun] How I Lost 75 pounds in two years
- [30 Jun] June 2018 Wrap-Up
It seems that I have posted only ONE book review in June. Oh well, I got a plan for July. Have you ever read the book Tolstoy and the Purple chair? This woman read a book a day EVERY day for a year and was transformed by it.
Now I am not looking to be transformed by this I just want to bump up my reading stats. I can be shallow at times. I am going to read a book a day for July only. We shall see how July goes then maybe I will stretch it into August.