For the longest time, I had mistaken self luxury to be the same as self-care. It wasn’t until the last December that I realized that there is a HUGE difference. While self-luxury can be used as a reward self-care enables you to function your best. Once I understood that it made sense to do some experimenting to see what self-care works for me. What works for me may not work for you as everyone is different. You have to experiment and keep track with a program like exist to see what is working and what is not. Once you have what works for you-you can figure out how you can start to include them in your schedule.
Following a paleo eating plan
I went back and took a hard look a the past couple years regarding my health. The data seems to say that all my problems started interring with my life when I went form a hardcore Paleo plan to Weight Watchers. It began as little aches and pains then gradually became worse until I was having trouble walking. I suspect that I may be one of the people that can not tolerate wheat and once I eliminated that AND 99 percent of processed food from my diet my knee pain was almost gone. I had to come to a solid design or do I want to be healthy? Or would I rather eat gluten and deal with crippling pain? Of course, I chose the be healthy one SO I have been hoarding paleo recipes on Pinterest like crazy. I also got a subscription to Plan to Eat, and that alone has even a diet saver. I have every meal planned out for the week, so I won’t be tempted to order from Pizza Hut.
Work out every day
My shrink was on me to begin to work out a lot of years before I finally gave in and joined planet fitness. I was shocked at how much it did help my depression and anxiety. I went to the gym every day for two years until my knee problem started last year. My knees are a lot better, and there is no gym close by so I bought a year subscription to Bikini Body Guide, and I do the at home version.
I only got into this habit last year, but I can already tell the difference in how I react to things. I used t fly off the handle at anything, but once I finally got over the hump of learning how to meditate and finding a program that works for me (I use headspace) I can see that I can stop and not lose my cool and not stuff my face when I am mad or upset
Essential oils
For those people you know me off the internet know how bad my anxiety used to be. When essentials oils made its way to the Deaf community everyone urged me to give the oils a try. At first, I resisted. I was taking like 15 mg of Klonopin a day, and that allowed me to have the basic functioning skills all adults should have. How was an oil gonna help what klopoion couldn’t? I mean kloption is some intense shit. I was not a dose to be taking lightly. After a few months I broke down and bought a premium starter kit, and my life changed.
I don’t want to sound like I have taken a leave of reality, but after a month of using such oil such as Lavender and peace and calming among others it felt as if the Gap between what my meds could do and what I needed finally merged together and let me tell you that being free from anxiety and panic attacks is worth all the money I spend on oils every month. In the past year, I have has ONE anxiety attack when before I used to have at last one weekly. I am NOT saying that oils will cure you but instead allow you to take a smaller dose of anti-anxiety meds so people will stop asking you if you are stoned and you are stuck trying to give an expiation that won’t make you look as if you can’t even master the basic skills of adulthood.
Getting 8 hours of sleep a night
I used to have major problems sleeping. My insomnia got so bad that it was affecting every other area of my life. Trust me. When the experts tell you that you need sleep, they mean it. Bad things start happening when you don’t sleep enough.
There were even eight months when I decided to “embrace” my insomnia and workout at four are and do the Miricle Morning. All was well until I dropped from exhaustion. That day I was being tested for a second Cochlear Implant, and I could not stay awake for the life of me. When I arrived back at my apartment, I slept for three days. What was ironic is that the day I was having trouble sleeping my hold for Sleep revolution (My Review) came in at the library. I took it as a sign from the universe and told my shrink how I could not sleep and thus began a long list of pills that would leave me well rested but not a zombie the next day.
Being careful who I let in my inner circle
I may seem all confident now but there used to be a time when I was really insecure and tried to be friends and liked by everyone. That did not pan out so well for me. I learned the hard way what a “frenemy” was. Finally, I got up the guts to Marie Kondo my “friends” keeping the ones who made me want to better myself and uplifted me and the rest it was GOODBYE! I have never been this happy EVAR so yeah it was worth it.